While trust is a belief in your team and employees in the organisation, respect is that trust in action. A relationship based on trust and respect requires every team member to take responsibility for their actions – including you, as a delegator. If you want to truly model the values and foster a positive work environment, not only does this require you to care, but it requires you to listen to your team and other employees. Every individual within the team brings unique values, strengths and communication methods. Take the time to get to know your teammates on an individual basis, and encourage them to get to know one another. When issues arise, you can better tailor the conversation to the individual. For example, if you know that a teammate is an extrovert who loves human interaction, consider stopping by their desk to solve a problem face-to-face rather than trying to resolve it over an email thread. If a teammate is an introvert who prefers taking care of matters over chat, feel free to send an instant message via Teams. When you adapt to each individual, you demonstrate an awareness of their unique character. This helps them to feel respected and helps you to earn their mutual respect as well. And when teammates are treated with respect, they tend to pay it forward to others.
Extroverts can feel that introverts are antisocial, while introverts may see extroverts as overbearing. They can learn new skills from each other. When working in a team, it’s likely that you will have to work with people who aren’t like you. The differences between introverts and extroverts are well-known. While introverts prefer less stimulation and need to spend time alone to focus and develop their thoughts, extroverts’ brains require higher levels of external stimulation and dopamine to function and thrive in group settings. Introverts and extroverts are simply wired differently. But these differences in temperament can cause several challenges when these two personality types have to work together. “Because the two personality types communicate in different ways, they won’t always understand the other’s traits and temperament, without this proper understanding, extroverts can feel that introverts are antisocial, while introverts see extroverts as overbearing and impulsive. Despite their differences, introverts and extroverts can work together effectively. More importantly, they can learn new skills from each other. Each personality type brings something different to the table. Where one is weak, the other is strong. The magic happens when people stop focusing on the disparities and choose instead to appreciate each other’s innate skills and personality traits.1. Introverts can learn to make conversation like extroverts For introverts, socialising and making conversation don’t come naturally. Some may even avoid group settings for fear of being uncomfortable. By observing how extroverts engage in small talk, introverted individuals can improve their conversation skills and confidence in group settings. “Learning to master small talk with a few co workers is an excellent way for introverted people to increase their confidence without venturing too far from their comfort zone.2. Extroverts can learn to listen like an introvert Introverts tend to be solid listeners and have keen observational skills. They tend to speak less in conversations, focusing on what the other person is saying instead of their response. On the other hand, Extroverts are often so busy engaging with others that they fail to listen well to others. By learning to take a step back, pausing before they speak, allowing others to speak, and thinking about what others are saying before expressing their thoughts, extroverts can gain critical insight into people.3. Introverts can learn to step outside their comfort zone Extroverts tend to be open-minded and a little daring, while introverts prefer routine and predictability. By paying attention to the way extroverts experience new things, introverts can allow themselves to expand their horizons, share new things, and uncover unique skills and talents they didn’t know they had.4. Extroverts can learn to deepen conversations While extroverts are comfortable socialising in large group settings where they can engage in small talk with several individuals, introverts thrive in small group settings that allow for deeper conversations. As a result, extroverted conversations are typically light-hearted. It can be valuable for extroverts to delve deeper, seeking out more meaningful conversations that inspire, fulfil, and help form deeper connections.5. Introverts can learn to ask for help Extroverted people usually have a sizeable support network that they reach out to when they need help. This comes from their ability to ask for help. Extroverts enjoy brainstorming in large groups where they can vocalise their ideas, inviting others to help them work through the concept. At the same time, introverts prefer quiet reflection and idea development in the privacy of their surroundings. Introverts can learn how to ask others’ opinions and build their professional network.6. Extroverts can learn the benefits of quiet reflection Introverts tend to prioritise time to recharge their batteries. They may set aside time in the early mornings or evening hours to allow quiet reflection or mindful meditation. Extroverts, on the other hand, tend to de-emphasise self-care. Because extroverts are always on the go, they may neglect self-care and forget the importance of mindfulness. Learning to set aside some time for gratitude and mindful meditation can provide a host of mental and physical health benefits, allowing extroverts to perform even better.