Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Tasks, Processes and Outcomes

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Delegation reflection on delegating tasks/activities to your delegatee’s for the past 2 weeks.
To understand the needs of individuals, the locals from different cultures we decided a shura (meeting) what’s the best cause of action in the current situation.
From the Shura, we found out the local town of Walizi wanted Route Trident to passage through their town to increase economic growth and prosperity for the town in the future. The town was deserted when we conducted the route survey and trust was an issue as we though we were being led into a trap. I had to delegate many risky tasks and activities to our team who I did trust.
Initially the construction of the road started with a 100% military workforce of who I trusted and had worked with before. The area and environment was new to us and we were all initally apprehensive of the locals.
To build trust with the locals we employed them as part of the workforce and paid them for their work. This built relationships with the military and the locals, and in time I delegated tasks to the village elders.
Listening to the locals about the local area, environment and conditions led to more shura’s and trust. Sometime you have to listen, take time and then delegate to get the best for all parties involved.