Cloud-based BIM allows architects, engineers and contractors to easily access their 3D models from virtually anywhere . Storing BIM information in the cloud means stakeholders can upload and access the latest version of their models, and work from a single source of truth. Putting BIM on the Cloud allows information about a project to be accessed by anyone in any location at any time. This supports project coordination, model coordination, and project management, resulting in more efficient design, construction and operation processes •The ability to check designs from anywhere in the world. •Accessing Building Information Models on mobile devices and collaborating with the team of modellers working on them. • Suggestions can be provided by architects and engineers to the team executing the project. • Architects and engineers can easily excess construction documents on-site. • Building professionals can mark up drawings and plans. • Projects complications and their status can be easily communicated to Building Information Modelers by architects and engineers. • Having access to the latest project documents from anywhere in the world. • The combination of Building Information Modeling and cloud computing can enhance the productivity of the project team.
Having reviewed current systems in the marketplace, as well as reviewing where we could add value, we proposed to use a string of embedded temperature sensors and several embedment Strain Gauges installed at a different level over the pile length.
These sensors are embedded in concrete during casting, and they follow the curing of concrete in real-time which, along with the digital formwork management system, will allow the construction manager to monitor and plan their schedules with certainty.
Embedded sensors in poured concrete (entire lifetime) creating a Digital Twin. • Monitoring Temperature • Humidity • Strength
Regardless of your background, you are probably already familiar with the concept of project management. Project information management and project management are considered to be closely related – both have the primary goal, which is the provision of a physical asset, that meets the needs of the receiver, delivered on time and on budget. The difference between the two is that project information management focuses on the provision of a virtual asset, that meets the needs of the receiver, delivered on time and on budget. This means increased use of digital information and the adoption of new information production methods and procedures.