Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Common Data Environment (CDE)

The key driver behind implementing project CDE is to ensure clarity in terms of information purpose, suitability security and currency.

It allows project teams to develop and progressively share their information for better coordination and ultimately more timely and efficient information delivery.
Work in Progress
• Visible to all members of the Task Team (with appropriate permissions)
• Can be edited and the information within them created or amended by the Task Team
• Should be considered as “UNAPPROVED” and therefore not used for any purpose

Prior to sharing the Task Team must:
• Check container (against the Project Information Standard)
• Review information within the container (technical content)
• Approve information within the container is to be shared.
• Designate what the information is suitable for.

• Visible to all members of the Delivery Team (with appropriate permissions)
• Cannot be edited and can only be viewed as READ ONLY
• Can only be used for the suitability for which the information within it has been approved
• Are the most current approved revision on the container

• Visible to all Project/Asset Team members  (with appropriate permissions)
• Cannot be edited and can only be viewed as READ ONLY
• Are the most current authorized revision of the container

• Visible only to CDE administrators  (with appropriate permissions)
• Cannot be edited and can only be viewed as READ ONLY
• Should be considered as ‘out of date’ as they have been superseded

Tasks for the Lead Appointed Party:
• Review information within the container
• Authorize information within the container for the Appointing Party acceptance

Task for the Appointing Party:
• Review information within the container
• Accept information within the container as contractual deliverable
• Identify the container as an accepted contractual deliverable
Critical to ensuring the CDE is configured to the project needs.
Single Project:

•Tailored to each project
•Access to new platforms and features
•Distributed risk

•Led by the project
•Little client control
•Not ‘common’ for the client
•Siloed projects
•Long term data management issues 

Project-Client CDE:

•Projects can use tools and platforms that suit them
•Distributed risk
•Single client CDE

•Client control is only on deliverables
•Requires strong EIR
•Projects may be siloed

Client hosted CDE:

•Client has full control of standards and process
•All work is in the client’s system
•Fewer silos between projects

•Client responsible for the setup and configuration
•Has be a ‘production’ environment 
•Can be restrictive for project team software use
•Requires strong contracts